Coronavirus and Piano Lessons
How to continue your piano lessons during the Coronavirus outbreak has become the biggest question for private piano teachers and music students for the last few days.
While we have closely been following updates from Public Health England and the UK Government, there is little advice on the field of private music lessons due to the extraordinary nature of its swift spread.
Our concern about piano lessons and Coronavirus
Due to the proximity between pupil and tutor during private piano teaching, most of us have become worried about how the Covid-19 current situation can affect your one-to-one piano lessons in the immediate future.
Teaching piano during the Covid-19 outbreak
At Hampstead Piano Academy, we have thoroughly decided to take action in an effort to search for an alternative that meets the following aims:
- To safeguard everyone’s wellbeing during the Coronavirus pandemic.
- To minimize an indefinite disruption of lessons and help pupils stay motivated.
- To keep offering our services as effectively and professionally as possible.
Our Response
For the foreseeable future Hampstead Piano Academy will remain open as usual and will also be operating via online piano lessons.
With the likely scenario of parents and children having to stay at home, we are keen to recommend a temporary period of video call lessons from the comfort of your home.
At the moment, there are no positive tests for coronavirus for any member of the Academy’s community.
How to continue your piano lessons during the Coronavirus outbreak
As long as we continue to offer our services, students have the following options:
COME to us only if:
- All members of your family are in full health.
- You have not been in contact with anybody experiencing the virus symptoms.
VIDEO CALL us for your session if:
- You are quarantining due to sickness.
- You are preoccupied about passing on or picking up the virus.
- You would prefer to learn from home due to the circumstances.
If you have any questions which has not been answered above, please contact us at hampsteadpianoacademy@gmail.com
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